Our Plants, Flowers & Trees
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Big Flower Super Nursery
NSW Central Coast
4362 2236
Trading Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9am till 4pm. Saturday & Sunday 8am till 4pm. CLOSED MONDAY.
Our Plants, Flowers & Trees
F To L
Fatsia Japonica
Fatsia Japonica is a glossy-leaf paper plant that is an evergreen shrub which boasts large, deeply lobed, leathery leaves. In late autumn to early winter the plant produces beautiful white flowers and small black berries in spring.
Fittonia is a compact plant with striking patterned foliage. They are fairly easy to care for and they can tolerate a range of lighting conditions and like to be kept moist. They prefer humid environments.
Flowering Gum
Flowering Gum is a tough and compact native which puts on a brilliant display of fiery red flowers throughout the summer months, providing an abundance of food for nectar loving birds.
Fraxinus is a fast growing, drought tolerant, attractive tree has leaves that are green and shiny on the top and hairy silver coloured underneath. The flowers appear in panicles, are white and borne in Spring.
Furcraea Foetida
Grown for its terrific variegated foliage, Furcraea Foetida is an evergreen succulent perennial which forms a fountain of upright, long, sword-shaped leaves with slightly wavy margins, resembling undulating ribbons.
Golden Ash
Golden Ash is a medium sized shade tree with yellow autumn foliage and fascinating yellow stems that are studded with dark buds in Winter. Once established, this tree has reasonable drought tolerance.
Grasses – Dianella
Dianella Grass are a large family of strappy leaved plants. The richly-hued blue flowers, with delicate yellow anthers, perch like chandeliers on the end of wiry stems and contrast well with the long linear form of the leathery leaves.
Grasses – Foxtail
Foxtail Grass is a compact elegant native grass with creamy foxtail flowerspikes. It is suited to moist soils. Plant this grass where you can enjoy the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze.
Grasses – Lomandra
Lomandra Grass is an elegant native grass, growing in large rounded open tufts, like a green fountain or firework. This round symmetrical shape makes them ideal plants for single plantings, or as an accent plant in middle of a lawn.
Grevillia Bonnie Prince Charles
Grevillea Bonnie Prince Charles is compact, long flowering dwarf shrub with red and yellow bicoloured flowers. A good landscaping plant, low maintenance and does well in a wide range of conditions.
Hardenbergia is a hardy, evergreen, twining, woody stemmed climber, which has dark green leathery leaves and produces a mass of dark purple pea flowers in winter and spring. It’s a wonderful Australian native plant.
Hippeastrum Papillio has light lime green blooms with dominant deep burgundy veins and markings. Papilio is Latin for butterfly and this very rare species originated from the tropical forests of Southern Brazil.
Ivy plants are evergreen perennials. They are also classified as woody vines. Ivy can act as a ground cover, spreading horizontally and reaching 20cm in height. It is also a climber, which allow it to climb to heights of 25m.
Jacobinia is a beautiful tropical flowering shrub that displays gorgeous clusters of pink or white flowers that look like fireworks. It’s a common easy to grow plant in tropical and warm areas.
The Jasmine plant is a source of exotic fragrance in warmer climates. It is an important scent noted in perfumes, and also has herbal properties. The plants may be vines or bushes and some are evergreen.
Kniphofia or commonly known as Red Hot Pokers are mainly grown for their tall brush like flowers. These can come in a range of colours and sizes depending on the plant such as reds, oranges, yellows and green.
Leopard Tree
A large, semi-deciduous tree, the Leopard Tree can be pruned to a size suitable for suburban streets. It’s known for its ornamental floral and autumn leaf display plus its hardiness in drought and frost conditions.
Lilac Tree
Lilac trees blooms are fragrant and gorgeous, and the lilac’s scent is unmistakable. In fact, it’s commonly used in perfumes and fragrant lotions because it’s known to trigger pleasant memories and happy feelings.
Liriodendron is a genus of two species of characteristically large trees, in the Magnolia family. These trees are widely known by the common name Tulip Tree or Tuliptree for their large flowers superficially resembling tulips.
Little Penda
Neat native shrub for feature planting, striking privacy screen hedges, and essential in a wildlife garden. Loved by birds, honeyeaters and lorikeets especially. Paler yellow flowers than the Gold variety.
Loropetalum also known as Fringe Flower is an evergreen shrub. It is part of the Hamamelidaceae family and is native to China and Japan. Loropetalum is naturally dense and forms a domed habit.
Ferns are extremely forgiving and have an incredibly strong survival instinct. Ferns will grow where other plants fail to thrive and most do well in rich, well-drained soil with an abundance of organic matter.
Flindersia Australis
Flindersia Australis has pinnate leaves with five to thirteen egg-shaped to elliptical leaflets, white to cream coloured flowers with woody capsules studded with short, rough points and containing winged seeds.
A Forsythia can add dramatic flair to a yard. Forsythia bushes are among the first plants of spring to burst forth in flower. They enjoy full sun, so make sure they get at least six hours of sunlight a day.
Fruit Trees
Fruit Trees will grow in a warm sunny position, if you are in a colder area, frost protection may be required for the first couple of years until the tree establishes. We have a large range of fruit trees for your backyard.
Gardenias have a lovely soft scented bloom, appearing from late spring to early summer. There are many different perennial varieties available from ground covers to standards, or the well sized bushes.
Grasses – Dietes
Dietes or Wild Iris, sometimes called the Fairy Iris or Butterfly Grass is a fantastic plant for landscaping and decorating gardens. It’s exceptionally low maintenance an ideal plant for the beginner gardener.
Grasses – Liriope
Liriope Grass has been an extremely popular landscape plant in many parts of the world for numerous years. There are a number of different varieties available, and popular due to their robustness and versatility.
Grevillea’s have evergreen foliage which comes in a variety of shapes ranging from needle shaped and saw-toothed to fern like. There are varieties that flower throughout the year while others have their main flowering in one season.
Grevillia Molonglo
Grevillea Molonglo is a low spreading ground cover. Grass green needle like foliage plays host and is often obscured by masses of curly apricot yellow flowers.
When Hibiscus are in their blooming stage, they require large amounts of water. Your Hibiscus will need daily watering in warm weather. But once the weather cools, your hibiscus needs far less.
Heliotropium is a genus of flowering plants in the heliotrope family, Heliotropiaceae. There are around 325 species in this almost cosmopolitan genus, which are commonly known as heliotropes.
Hosta is a genus of plants commonly known as hostas, plantain lilies and occasionally by the Japanese name gibōshi. Hostas are widely cultivated as shade-tolerant foliage plants.
Ixora is a species of flowering plant in the family Rubiaceae. It is a common flowering shrub native to Southern India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. It has become a very popular flowering shrub in Australian gardens.
Japanese Maple
Graceful and elegant, Japanese Maples (Acer Palmatum) are an excellent addition to most gardens. Essentially carefree once established, they offer year round interest with their ever changing beauty.
Versatile and tough, Junipers offer reliable evergreen colour and texture to any garden. Whether you are looking for a steely blue groundcover or a taller shrub for a , there’s a juniper variety that can fill the job.
Korean Buxus
Korean Boxus or Boxus Microphylla. It is a slow-growing hedge but will reward you with dense, fine foliage perfect for a low hedge/topiary. It has glossy small leaves which are slimmer than the other Buxus leaves.
Leptospermum scoparium is an upright evergreen shrub with small, aromatic, needle-like leaves and showy flowers. Borne along the stems, the blooms may be single or double, in shades of red, pink or white depending on the varieties.
Lilli Pilli
Lilly Pillies have smooth glossy leaves and a dense, bushy growth. They are hardy and will grow happily in sun or shade and moist, well drained soil. These features make them a favourite for hedging and informal screening.
Little Goldie
The Little Goldie is a dwarf form of Xanthostemon Chrysanthus, extremely thick & bushy forming an excellent low hedge to 1m x 80cm wide. Hardy & long lived, very showy golden yellow flowers spring & summer.
Logan Berry
The Loganberry is a hybrid of the North American blackberry and the European raspberry. The plant and the fruit resemble the blackberry more than the raspberry, but the fruit color is a dark red, rather than black as in blackberries.
Koelreuteria, commonly known as the Golden Rain Tree, is a a glorious landscape addition, sporting armloads of lemon yellow blossoms each summer that stop traffic. It is a small to medium landscape tree.
Firewheel Tree
The Firewheel Tree takes its name from the configuration and colour of the inflorescences in which the small flowers have a wheel-like arrangement. It is one of Australia’s most spectacular trees.
Flowering Ash
Flowering Ash is an attractive, hardy evergreen tree. It is rapid growing, has deep green foliage and a showy display of creamy-white, fragrant flowers produced in abundant panicles during Spring that turn burgundy to pinkish-orange in Autumn.
Fuchsias are a much loved perennial garden favourite. Not only can they be used in the garden, but also in hanging pots, part shade and full shade. They burst into flower from late spring to early winter.
One of the most reliable shrubs for hot and dry sites, Genista is a spiny, gorse-like deciduous shrub with abundant clusters of bright yellow flowers atop of spiny green stems and bloom in late Spring to early Summer
Goldfussia is a shrubby plant with slender pointed foliage that has a dark purple tint. An extremely adaptable plant, it will also grow perfectly well in a shaded position where the foliage will show off lime green highlights.
Grasses – Fountain Grass
Fountain Grass (Pennisetum) is a mound-forming ornamental grass and a garden favorite, as the care of fountain grass is easy. The cascading leaves on this plant have a fountain-like appearance.
Grasses – Little Con
Little Con Grass is a petite form of native grass, perfect for small gardens as a bordering plant or in a container, or even as a no-mow lawn in traffic-free areas. It has cute compact tussocks of fine foliage.
Grevillea Apricot Tingle
A lovely low, spreading grevillea growing to 30cm tall and 1.5m wide. It has spikey green leaves and apricot flowers althrough spring and summer.
Gymea Lily
The Gymea Lily has a beacon like flower head that stand out in the bush with clumps of luxurious green leaves that make a fabulous feature in the landscape. Also known as flame lily, giant lily and giant spear lily.
Heliconia is a genus of flowering plants in the monotypic family Heliconiaceae. Most of the known species are native to the tropical Americas. We currently have 6 varieties available.
Heuchera or Coral Bells, as they are commonly called, can be planted singularly or in groups. They are extremely hardy plants and available as Heuchera Caramel or Heuchera Dark Beauty.
Although there are many types of Hydrangeas, most can be grown in full sun or partial shade. Keep in mind, however, that many Hydrangeas do not like extremely hot conditions, so try to locate them in an area with afternoon shade.
This most beautiful flowering tree is a native of Brazil, and no garden of any pretentions can be said to be complete without a plant of it. Its has beautiful rich lavender blossoms and a light feathery foliage.
Japanese Raisan Tree
Hovenia Dulcis, the Japanese raisin tree or oriental raisin tree, is a hardy tree found in Asia, from Eastern China and Korea to the Himalayas, growing preferably in a sunny position on moist sandy or loamy soils.
Kalanchoe burst into bloom during winter and early spring months. Its tiny red, white, pink, yellow, or orange flowers cluster into dense groups above a skirt of dark green foliage. Count on the blooms to last for several weeks.
Lavender is a well known and fragrant plant with gray green foliage, upright flower spikes, and a compact shrub form. It can be planted in the spring after the risk of frost has passed and the soil has warmed up.
A compact shrub, that makes the perfect low growing hedge, it is colourful with its green foliage which is borne upon bright red stems, while its long lived flowers shift from orange to pink through its flowering season.
Liquid Amber
It is a showy feature tree. Autumn leaves display in spectacular red, yellow and purple shades, which vary from tree to tree. They create a shady spot in the garden for summer and allow the sunlight in during winter.
Little Pal
Little Pal is a compact fine leaved clumping native grass for contrast planting in gardens, or erosion control on banks. Great as a border or pot plant. Happier than other Lomandra in shady spots, larger than its cousin Little Con.
London Plane Tree
This tree has large 5 lobed bright green leaves that turn yellow in autumn. A great feature of the tree is its bark which is a smooth cream colour attractively blotched with grey and brown. Brown seed balls hang like ornaments in winter.